Where did it all start?

The thing that made me stop and question how I was living & consuming was one evening in 2018 after the supermarket shopping was delivered. I was working in a busy profession and living in Dublin at the time. I was removing all the fresh produce from the plastic packaging to put them in the fridge. I looked down at the massive mound of plastic on the kitchen floor and it hit me like a bolt

“There has to be a better way than this”. 

Pure overwhelm

It wasn't just the plastic. I recognised that I was completely overwhelmed. I was constantly on the go, both at work and in my personal life.

I was trying to be all things to all people.

For me that overwhelm felt like I was constantly ready to react - in fight or flight mode - and I was exhausted to my core. I often felt frozen and numb, unsure of what I actually wanted in my life.

The First Step

The moment of clarity I had when I looked at that mound of plastic on the ground was that I didn’t have to continue as I always had. It seems so obvious and easy doesn't it?

I was so overwhelmed I couldn’t even see the bigger picture yet, but I knew I had to act by taking one step at a time. So I started with what was right in front of me....the plastic.

I searched for package free fruit and veg sourced from Ireland where possible. This search led me to a number of businesses that were in exact alignment with where I was wanting to go — plastic free, locally sourced where possible, organic, socially and environmentally conscious, and family run businesses. 

Bit by bit

From there, bit by bit, I simplified my life. I started looking at what was causing me to feel overwhelmed. I began to use essential oils to support me with that overwhelm and my general health.

These changes in how I approached my food shopping, cooking and my own health led me on a path of discovery. Moving away from the constant consumerism and the focus on "stuff" was a huge catalyst for my growth. Living sustainably is important to me so I've used that as my starting block.

I started looking at how well I was coping with stresses; how I interacted with others; noticing when I went through periods of low mood and identifying what my red flags were.

Over time I realised that my overwhelm was most acute when I wasn’t being authentic to myself — when I was doing things to please others out of obligation or habit. 

Bio-Energy Healing

I found my way to energy healing which is fantastic for clearing blockages in our energy systems so that our own body can heal itself. This gave me the space I needed to learn how to cope better with my busy life. 

The more I worked on my personal development and the more I became aware of my traits and triggers, the more effective and sustainable the energy healing was. Over time I built my “overwhelm reduction” toolkit! Some of these tools were new but some were old tools that I had lost along the way. This kit is wide and varied -- meditation, yoga, journalling, weight training, dancing, playing music, cooking, gardening.

When I live in a way that is authentic to me, I am much happier and full of life and energy.

Living Sustainably

The first thing that this phrase conjures up is the environment and climate change. This is certainly a core part of living sustainably but it is much more fundamental than that. I believe that it means living in a way most authentic to ourselves so that our cups are full and overflowing. With that overflow we serve those around us in our authentic way.

When we live in this way we are more aware of our choices and how they impact on others and on the environment. This switch in perspective is all you need to start living sustainbly -- once you have that it's one step at a time from there.

I know what it's like

There is a belief that it’s too hard to live more sustainably and simply;  that it takes a lot of effort, time and money and so ultimately would just bring more stress and overwhelm. All of this can be an overload for someone who is already overwhelmed, as it was for me, and what can happen is that we become frozen where we are, unable to muster up the energy to begin.

But here's the thing, I now know that living more authentically, more sustainably and more simply reduces stress and overwhelm. The intention to live more simply and sustainably was the catalyst to my personal growth. Simplifying my life reduces my overwhelm and increases my happiness. It helps me focus on what is important to me and prioritising those things. 

I can help you

I can help remove the mental load in figuring out where to begin with making changes where we want to make them. Energy healing clears the blockages in your energetic system which allows your body to heal itself. It gives us space to breathe, to learn how we feel and where we are feeling overwhelmed.

As well as providing energy healing, I can also help identify where to  start so as to sustain the benefits of that healing. Healing and living authentically is a continuous work in progress which is furthered one step at a time and I can support you through those steps.

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