What is Energy Healing?

We are vibrational beings. We are made up of vibrating cells where energy moves from cell to cell through those vibrations. When you are in alignment, that energy flows up and down and through your body processing emotions and healing anything that ails your body.

But then life happens. Our experiences of shocks and traumas disrupt this beautiful flow of energy which leads to blockages in our energetic system. This most often manifests through physical aches and pains as well as a diminished ability to cope with life. This is where overwhelm sets in and thrives.

Energy healing clears those layers of blockages allowing your body to come into alignment and get that energy flowing again. It allows your body to heal yourself.

With energy healing, you are in control.


I am here to facilitate that healing and support you through it.

Bio-Energy Healing

Bio-energy therapy is where I use my energy to clear blockages in your energetic system through gentle movements. It can be received remotely or in person and is a beautiful, relaxing and gentle treatment.

Bio-energy is a gift to yourself. A gift of quiet time, of relaxation and of self-care. By starting your healing journey in this way you are telling yourself and your body, that you are important and deserve to be cared for. That care and love has to come from yourself for your healing to really begin.

Bio-energy can be your first step.

See below for how the sessions work.

How the Bio-Energy bookings work

I provide Bio Energy healing over three sessions on three consecutive days. So you will book in for the first day on the booking system below and that will automatically schedule you in for the same time slot on the following two days.

For example, you book in your first session for a Tuesday at 7pm and your second session will automatically be scheduled for Wednesday at 7pm and your third on Thursday at 7pm.

  • Niamh C.

    I am not a skeptic about the benefits of bio energy healing but I do have a great deal of difficulty switching-off or coming down which meant I was dubious about its ability to 'work' on me. Word of mouth, adverts, social media feeds - they all present so many options, so many testimonials, so many different treatments - it is completely overfacing. Aoife cut through all of that. She has an innate intelligence and calm - a type of wisdom that radiates from her, putting you immediately at ease. You feel safe and open. To anyone on the fence about investing the time or resource into receiving bio-energy healing from Aoife, I truly cannot recommend it highly enough, she is a unique talent. I am so glad I found her.

  • Lisa K.

    I did three bio energy healing sessions with Aoife after a stressful period in my life and a short illness that required a hospital stay. I wanted to improve my physical and emotional state afterwards and I thought bio energy healing would promote this. Aoife was very warm and I felt instantly at ease in her presence. I found the sessions very relaxing and enjoyable. Afterwards I felt lighter and calmer. I believe they served to enhance my overall wellbeing and create a sense of inner peace. I’ve had no health issues since. Thank you so much Aoife.